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Junior High, High School, Collegiate

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Evening Gown: 40%

Each contestant can express their style and personality with the dress of their choice during the evening gown section of the competition. Judges will look at general appearance, attractiveness, poise, elegance, stage presence, and charisma. A floor-length, full-skirted, ballgown-style dress is REQUIRED for junior high. High school students may wear any floor-length gown if the slits are BELOW the knee. Any floor-length gown is allowed for collegiate events; however, please maintain appropriateness and use good judgment while choosing your gown.

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Interview: 40%

As the titleholder will represent the program throughout the state and possibly nationally, the interview's goal is for the judges to get to know, understand, and evaluate the girl's personality. This panel interview will last for 5 minutes. The contestant's resumes and other relevant, age-appropriate subjects will be the basis for the questions. The judges will be looking for clear communication, the ability to answer questions concisely, charisma, and overall presentation. We recommend wearing a pantsuit or business attire that is age appropriate.

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Fun Fashion: 20%

During this competition, contestants can showcase their unique personalities through a fun outfit of their choice. The options are limitless, from chic high-low dresses to elegant cocktail dresses and even stylish pantsuits! However, it's important to note that swimsuits, denim, hats, and props are not allowed. 

Each contestant takes the stage to high-energy music. The judges will closely observe their confidence, individual style, modeling prowess, and poise. 



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Evening Gown: 40%

Each contestant can express their style and personality with the dress of their choice during the evening gown section of the competition. Judges will look at general appearance, attractiveness, poise, elegance, stage presence, and charisma. A floor-length dress is REQUIRED. No glitz or cupcake gowns. Please ensure that the contestant wears age-appropriate shoes and can comfortably and safely walk in them!

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Interview: 40%

As the titleholder will represent the program throughout the state and possibly nationally, the interview's goal is for the judges to get to know and have a relaxed chat with the contestant. The interview will be 2 minutes. The contestant's information sheet will be the basis for the questions. The attire will be the official pageant t-shirt, dark denim shorts, and white tennis shoes. 


ABSOLUTELY NO MAKE-UP. Hair should be styled, but not stage ready. 

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Fun Fashion: 20%

During this competition, contestants can showcase their unique personalities through a fun outfit of their choice. The options are limitless, from chic high-low dresses to fun t-length dresses and even stylish pantsuits or rompers! However, it's important to note that swimsuits, denim, hats, and props are not allowed. 

Each contestant takes the stage to high-energy music. The judges will closely observe their confidence, individual style, modeling prowess, and poise. 

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As a directive from the National Office, adjustments will be made to the pageant categories beginning in January 2024.  The Supreme Queen options will no longer be available. We understand that these categories are deeply loved, and we genuinely regret seeing them go. However, we firmly believe that these changes will ultimately benefit all contestants. By aligning the Elementary pageants more closely with the National pageant, we aim to provide an experience that better prepares each one of the contestants for an incredible journey. We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to create a fulfilling and rewarding pageant experience for everyone involved.

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