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1. What is the Miss Georgia Elementary, Jr. High, High School, and Collegiate America Pageant?

The Georgia Jr. High School, High School, and Collegiate America Pageant is a state preliminary pageant that competes nationally for Miss Elementary America, Miss Jr. High School America, Miss High School America, and Miss Collegiate America in June 2025. Our national competition aims to create wonderful personal and professional opportunities for young women. Our main goal is to offer outstanding high school, junior high, and collegiate girls the chance to participate in a pageant system that upholds the highest moral values.

2. How are the divisions determined?

There are three divisions for the Georiga Jr. High, High & Collegiate girls. Your grade level as of Fall of 2025 determines the division in which you compete, not your age.

  • Jr. High America division is for girls in the 6th grade to 9th grades.

  • High School America division is for girls in 10th grade and 11th grade.

  • Collegiate America division is for students in the 12th grade or enrolled at a college, university, graduate school, tech/trade school, or beauty college in Georgia. This can be both in person or online. The Georgia Collegiate contestant must be no older than 27 as of June 1, 2025.


There are seven divisions for the Georgia Elementary contestants.

  • Pre-K/K

  • 1st Grade

  • 2nd Grade

  • 3rd Grade

  • 4th Grade

  • 5th Grade

  • 6th Grade

3. If I am entering the 12th grade, why must I compete in the collegiate division?

The National Pageant date and year of reign determine the divisions. The National Pageant will be held in June of 2025. If the Georgia/Tennessee Collegiate titleholder wins the national title, they will reign during their freshman year of college. So yes, most of your reign as the Georgia/Tennessee titleholder would be during your senior year. The judges are aware of these details. 

4. Can I enter if I attend school outside of Georgia or Tennessee but live in Georgia or Tennessee when not attending school?

Yes - online schooling applies. If you do not live in Georgia/Tennessee but are enrolled in a Georgia/Tennessee school online, you are still eligible to compete. Please verify with the state directors.


5. Will I be rooming with my family during the pageant weekend?

Yes, You are responsible for your own lodging and transportation.

6. Do I have to stay at a hotel if I live nearby?

No. However, many of the pageant events will begin early and run late. Attending all pageant weekend events is mandatory, and punctuality is highly important. If you drive to the hotel daily, we expect you to be on time.


7. What are the phases of competition?

You will compete in interview, fun fashion, and evening gown.


8. What is the score breakdown?

Interview and Evening Gown are worth 40% of your score. Fashion Runway is worth 20%. For JHC contestants, community service will no longer be required each month but still highly encouraged as we want it to be a meaningful and impactful experience for everyone.


9. How is the order of the contestants determined?

The first entry forms with a deposit will be last on stage in the lineup.

10. During the interview, do the contestants stand or sit?

Stand in a panel-style interview with all the judges.


11. How long is the interview?

Five minutes for the Jr. High, High, and Collegiate contestants. For the Elementary girls, it is 2 minutes. 


12. Will there be any political or controversial questions?

No, not unless the contestant brings it up.


13. What do I wear for interview?

Elementary girls will wear the state t-shirt and white shorts. Junior High, High School, and Collegiate will wear an interview dress, jumpsuit, or suit.   


14. Are fashion-forward shoes okay in the interview, or should we only wear nude/tan shoes?

Yes, either is fine for an interview.

15. What do I wear for Fashion Runway?

Fashion Runway is a high-fashion outfit of choice: a Pantsuit, Sundress, High-Fashion off-the-rack, High-Low, or Cocktail.

16. Can my fun fashion outfit be a two-piece?

Yes, but it must be age-appropriate. No midriffs for K-6th grade.


17. What should I not wear for fun fashion? 

There are no props, hats/hairpieces, denim, or flip-flops. This is an outfit that shows your personal style.


18. Do I need my own routine?

No full routines will be allowed. You will be given the competition pattern prior to the pageant weekend, and time limits will be clearly explained to the judges. Any contestant over the time limit may see it reflected in their score.


19. What do I wear for Evening Gown?

Evening gown is your moment to feel like a queen! Evening gowns need to be prom or pageant dresses and age-appropriate. The gown must touch the floor in front and in the back. Elementary contestants: No glitz gowns or cupcake styles.


20. Are Jr. High contestants required to wear a ballgown?

YES. It must flare from the waist. This is what is required at Nationals. 


21. Can my dress have a slit in it?

  • Jr. High: No 

  • High School: Slit to the knee only 

  • Collegiate: Yes


22. Can my evening gown be a two-piece?

Yes, for all age divisions. As of this year, the national pageant agreed to let the Jr. High division wear 2-piece gowns as long as they remain ball gowns (start to flare from the waist). No, midriffs for elementary.


23. Are there any colors or styles we have to wear?

Styles and colors should fit the girl and her coloring. No specific color or style is required. Many dresses can be interchangeable between the High School and Collegiate divisions. However, remember that High school students need to be “age appropriate” (e.g., no low backs, high slits, or large cutouts).

24. Are rehearsals mandatory?

Yes. Unless previously approved by the directors, all rehearsals are mandatory to ensure each contestant knows what to expect on pageant day.

25. Are rehearsals open to family and friends?

No, only approved staff and contestants are allowed in rehearsals.


26. What is the attire for rehearsal?

Rehearsal clothes should be cute and casual. Photos will be taken throughout rehearsals. Specific rehearsal outfit requirements will be available closer to pageant weekend.

27. Can I wear my hair in rollers/pin curls on the day of the pageant during rehearsal?

Yes, there will be time to prepare for the pageant throughout the rehearsal and before the show, but it may be easier to come with your hair curled/pinned up already.


28. Can we have our cell phones at rehearsal?

Yes. However, they are only to be used at designated times. Please refrain from using your phone. It helps us give our best support to you and the other participants.


29. Can we take pictures during rehearsal and backstage at the pageant?

We encourage you to document your weekend by posting it on your social media at designated times. No photos will be taken inside the dressing rooms, as we want to keep the privacy of all the girls who may be changing.


30. Will we have chaperones?

We'll have several awesome staff members looking out for everyone's safety and enjoyment. So, if you need to step away or go anywhere, please let our friendly staff know your whereabouts. And, of course, we value open communication and mutual respect.

31. Can Jr. High Contestants wear makeup?

Yes. Please make sure makeup is age-appropriate. Judges want to see the girl. 

32. Will there be hair and makeup artists at the pageant?

You may use the designated hair and makeup artists. Contact information will be provided. However, it is not required. You may get yourself ready.

33. Will there be time to get ready between rehearsal and the pageant?

Yes. Contestants will be given time to get ready.


35. Will food be provided?

Contestants will be free to enjoy meals on their own or with family.

36. Can parents and family take pictures in the audience during the pageant?

We will have professional photographers who will capture the show and all the events and provide photo packages for purchase. More details to come!


37. Will a chaperone/helper be allowed backstage during the pageant?

For the junior high, high, and collegiate contestants, we will have numerous staff members on hand to assist with the contestant's needs backstage. One female family member/chaperone can assist with gathering your items after the pageant. All contestants are required to stay backstage until the end of the pageant. Elementary contestants will be allowed one female to assist them backstage with outfit changes. Once the contestant is changed, we ask that you leave the backstage area.


38. Will I get my scores after the pageant?

Yes. We will provide the judge's comments, which we feel are important to the contestant's growth. We will email you your scores and comments.

39. Do I have to compete at the state pageant, or can I take an appointed title?

Yes, in order to be eligible for an appointed nickname title, you must compete at state first. This applies to both Georgia and Tennessee contestants. For the girls that compete at state but do not win the Georgia or Tennessee title but still want to attend Nationals, appointed titles will be available through the state directors.

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